Youth Empowerment

  • Life skills and Vocational Training

    CARSA is committed to providing sustainable solutions to the social problems stemming from poverty. Self-development is crucial to achieving this. By giving people training, skills, and trades, we are giving them power—the power to take control and change their lives forever.

    Life-skills training encompasses practical approaches and hands-on learning. These skills empower trainees, build confidence, and enable them to gain employment.

    Each training course is accompanied by a certificate upon completion and work placement opportunities as a stepping stone for trainees to enter the wider workforce. This program ensures they can earn a wage, breaking the cyclical poverty trap they were born into.

  • Educational Sponsorship

    As Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

    Education sponsorship exists to help release children and families from poverty and empower individuals to learn, through the provision of education. The education sponsorship is designed to support children and families where education support is seen as the key intervention and need. Seeing students receive a certificate to state that they have completed primary and secondary education is only the first step. The goal is to see students graduate and go on to further study or training that leads to the student being employable and able to earn a sustainable income. We also aim to see students grow into confident, mature adults with strong values and the ability to learn and think for themselves, having a positive impact on their families and communities.

  • Entrepreneurship and computer literacy

    The program is intended to equip young women and men to gain relevant entrepreneurial skills and foster a network ecosystem of support for young leaders as well as to up-skill and get hands-on skills to prepare young Rwandans for the digital workforce and explore and harness the power of the internet.

    We empower vulnerable families socially, mentally, spiritually, and economically. They will be able to access basic life opportunities, basic needs, and primary health care services, as well as make decisions for small investments. All these enable families to reach sustainability